
Python Chrome DevTools Protocol (shortened to PyCDP) is a library that provides Python wrappers for the types, commands, and events specified in the Chrome DevTools Protocol.

The Chrome DevTools Protocol provides for remote control of a web browser by sending JSON messages over a WebSocket. That JSON format is described by a machine-readable specification. This specification is used to automatically generate the classes and methods found in this library.

You could write a CDP client by connecting a WebSocket and then sending JSON objects, but this would be tedious and error-prone: the Python interpreter would not catch any typos in your JSON objects, and you wouldn’t get autocomplete for any parts of the JSON data structure. By providing a set of native Python wrappers, this project makes it easier and faster to write CDP client code.

This library does not perform any I/O! In order to maximize flexibility, this library does not actually handle any network I/O, such as opening a socket or negotiating a WebSocket protocol. Instead, that responsibility is left to higher-level libraries, for example trio-chrome-devtools-protocol.

This package provides Chrome DevTools Protocol r678025. Download a compatible Chrome package:

Install from PyPI (requires Python ≥3.7):

$ pip install chrome-devtools-protocol

Sample code:

from cdp import page

frame_id = page.FrameId('my id')
assert repr(frame_id) == "FrameId('my id')"