
This CDP domain is experimental.


There are no types in this module.


Each command is a generator function. The return type Generator[x, y, z] indicates that the generator yields arguments of type x, it must be resumed with an argument of type y, and it returns type z. In this library, types x and y are the same for all commands, and z is the return type you should pay attention to. For more information, see Getting Started: Commands.


Disables inspector domain notifications.

Return type:Generator[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], None]

Enables inspector domain notifications.

Return type:Generator[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], None]


Generally, you do not need to instantiate CDP events yourself. Instead, the API creates events for you and then you use the event’s attributes.

class cdp.inspector.Detached(reason)

Fired when remote debugging connection is about to be terminated. Contains detach reason.

reason = None

The reason why connection has been terminated.

class cdp.inspector.TargetCrashed

Fired when debugging target has crashed

class cdp.inspector.TargetReloadedAfterCrash

Fired when debugging target has reloaded after crash