


Generally, you do not need to instantiate CDP types yourself. Instead, the API creates objects for you as return values from commands, and then you can use those objects as arguments to other commands.


An internal certificate ID value.


A description of mixed content (HTTP resources on HTTPS pages), as defined by

BLOCKABLE = 'blockable'
NONE = 'none'
OPTIONALLY_BLOCKABLE = 'optionally-blockable'

The security level of a page or resource.

INFO = 'info'
INSECURE = 'insecure'
NEUTRAL = 'neutral'
SECURE = 'secure'
UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
class, title, summary, description, mixed_content_type, certificate, recommendations=None)

An explanation of an factor contributing to the security state.

certificate = None

Page certificate.

description = None

Full text explanation of the factor.

mixed_content_type = None

The type of mixed content described by the explanation.

recommendations = None

Recommendations to fix any issues.

security_state = None

Security state representing the severity of the factor being explained.

summary = None

Short phrase describing the type of factor.

title = None

Title describing the type of factor.

class, displayed_mixed_content, contained_mixed_form, ran_content_with_cert_errors, displayed_content_with_cert_errors, ran_insecure_content_style, displayed_insecure_content_style)

Information about insecure content on the page.

contained_mixed_form = None

Always false.

displayed_content_with_cert_errors = None

Always false.

displayed_insecure_content_style = None

Always set to unknown.

displayed_mixed_content = None

Always false.

ran_content_with_cert_errors = None

Always false.

ran_insecure_content_style = None

Always set to unknown.

ran_mixed_content = None

Always false.


The action to take when a certificate error occurs. continue will continue processing the request and cancel will cancel the request.

CANCEL = 'cancel'
CONTINUE = 'continue'


Each command is a generator function. The return type Generator[x, y, z] indicates that the generator yields arguments of type x, it must be resumed with an argument of type y, and it returns type z. In this library, types x and y are the same for all commands, and z is the return type you should pay attention to. For more information, see Getting Started: Commands.

Disables tracking security state changes.

Return type:Generator[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], None]

Enables tracking security state changes.

Return type:Generator[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], None], action)

Handles a certificate error that fired a certificateError event.

Deprecated since version 1.3.

  • event_id (int) – The ID of the event.
  • action (CertificateErrorAction) – The action to take on the certificate error.

Deprecated since version 1.3.

Return type:Generator[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], None]

Enable/disable whether all certificate errors should be ignored.


Parameters:ignore (bool) – If true, all certificate errors will be ignored.
Return type:Generator[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], None]

Enable/disable overriding certificate errors. If enabled, all certificate error events need to be handled by the DevTools client and should be answered with handleCertificateError commands.

Deprecated since version 1.3.

Parameters:override (bool) – If true, certificate errors will be overridden.

Deprecated since version 1.3.

Return type:Generator[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], None]


Generally, you do not need to instantiate CDP events yourself. Instead, the API creates events for you and then you use the event’s attributes.

class, error_type, request_url)

There is a certificate error. If overriding certificate errors is enabled, then it should be handled with the handleCertificateError command. Note: this event does not fire if the certificate error has been allowed internally. Only one client per target should override certificate errors at the same time.

Deprecated since version 1.3.

error_type = None

The type of the error.

event_id = None

The ID of the event.

request_url = None

The url that was requested.

class, scheme_is_cryptographic, explanations, insecure_content_status, summary)

The security state of the page changed.

explanations = None

List of explanations for the security state. If the overall security state is insecure or warning, at least one corresponding explanation should be included.

insecure_content_status = None

Information about insecure content on the page.

scheme_is_cryptographic = None

True if the page was loaded over cryptographic transport such as HTTPS.

security_state = None

Security state.

summary = None

Overrides user-visible description of the state.